By Rebecca Keogh  •   3 minute read


Other than where do I start my paint by number the most common question we get at Paint Plot Australia is ‘how do I blend colours on a paint by number’?

Fortunately, we have the adult paint by number expert Mel B from Melanie B’s Creative Studio to explain and demonstrate a quick and easy blending technique. Melanie Gilstrap has created this tutorial exclusively for our Paint Plot Australia community.

Mel B’s first tip on blending a Paint Plot Australia paint by number is:  Does it really need it?  Take a step back, at least a metre and make sure it needs blending.

In this tutorial Mel b is featuring the Misty Mountain Sunrise.

As the colours of the sky and sunrise are perfect for blending.

The video tutorial is easy to follow, this is something we are very grateful to Mel b for, as her style is simplistic yet informative.

We will give you a brief overview of what the quick and easy blending of paint by numbers tutorial is all about and then we can guarantee our Paint Plot Australia family, if you had any reservations or doubted your ability, you will be blending your favourite skylines from now on.

The 5 things you need to blend your Paint Plot adult paint by number, other than your canvas of course!

1. Your reference guide as this has the numbers of the colours that you will need.
2. The colour pots
3. A paint palette, this can be anything from a glossy paper plate to a ceramic plate.
4. A flat paint brush. 

blending brushes
5. A jar of water.

Another great tip is to always blend last to ensure that you have enough paint. Blending works with any two colours that are next to each other. The best areas to blend on your painting canvas are generally the sky or water.

Now onto the simple quick and easy blending technique.  Rinse your brush with water. Scoop a small amount of each of the two colours onto the palette about an inch apart. 

Dip half the brush into one colour, then repeat with the other colour on the opposite side. In between the colours on the palette Mel b creates a mid-tone colour as below.

Blending 3

This does two things, it covers any lines between the two colours and it creates an in between colour that helps eliminate any harsh lines.   When the paint dries it blends in and looks smooth.

This blending method can be used on the tiniest or the largest of areas.  It all depends on the width of the brush that is used; a small brush for tiny areas and larger brushes for big areas.

As you can see from Mel’s before and after shot below after blending her Paint Plot paint by number it just looks soft and natural. 


We have embedded the quick and easy paint by number video below for our Paint Plot community to watch and we know you will be super impressed with Mel B’s blending technique.

We’d like to thank Mel B for sharing her expertise on blending paint by numbers.   To our Paint Plot Australia community, a big thank you for taking the time to view our video’s and as previously mentioned we know this is going to be helpful.

Don’t forget it’s your artwork and now blending that we want to see.  So make sure your share your creations with the us via email at support@paintplot.com.au or our closed facebook group. If you are not a member yet, make sure you join.

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